what the finnish frog does.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I spent the last week in Corrèzze, which is 500km south of Paris.
We were 30 people altogether, going to a countryside house.
Well, turns out the cabin was more like a mansion; it had beds for thirty people, and was three stories high. It was surrounded by green pastures and forests, adjacent to a small town (called st exupery if i remember correctly).
Alices family (the girl from my school who had invited us all) had recently bought an old jeep, with which we went around the countryside. We even went swimming to a lake.
Cooking for thirty people was like cooking in the army. i made nakit ja muussit, which was a big hit.
We had a great time, and laughed our bellies sore.
On the downside, while playing hide and seek, somebody tripped on the wire of my laptop, which fell off the bed, which busted the screen. Somehow i have a feeling my warranty doesnt cover falling off the bed.

Have a nice weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hide and seek... was there a truth or dare as well?
Well, at least it wasn't jumping the rope ;-)

4:06 AM

Blogger niklas said...

no, we didnt have truth or dare.. i knew we forgot something!

9:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can always try the good old "it was already broken when I bought it..."

Sometimes it works, but on the other hand, usually not.

2:01 AM


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