what the finnish frog does.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Hey people, been a while.
I have been laying low this week, trying to be a good boy.
I got my first essay back, which i thought was pretty good. 10/20. sounded okay as a grade, until i asked what was the minimum to pass the courses at sciences po. 10/20. shait. So i thought i would have to start putting considerably more effort into school. Also i have an exam on saturday - first exam. You can't write in pencil it has to be a pen. because its france, man. Also did fencing this week. Even though i started halfway through the class, i've managed to catch up with almost everybody - unfortunately not to my personal credit: my fencing group is the most unsportive (not a real word, but you get it) sorry bunch i've ever seen. No, they dont read my blog. Cause i havent made friends with any of them.
Last week it was the independence day of finland! we took all the finns out and went to a bar. Well, the bar was a dutch bar, and it was dutch night. We had raw heringue and i had a shot of warm vodka (the bartender couldnt believe what i was ordering..).
So, we had a little christmas party (kyllä, pikkujoulut!!) the scandinavian way friday and made glögi and glög. We had ice cold vodka, reindeer, and ruisleipä. It was a splendid party.
Have to say though, we had a German little christmas party on saturday, and they made their glögi - we lost. Check it out. somebody had bought the sugar from Germany. Why? because it has to be in the shape of a pyramid. You have heated the wine, with oranges, and only god and the germans know what else. You take a grid, you know the ones you use in the oven, and place it on the casserole. Then you put the sugar pyramid on the grid and soak it with rum, and finally, light it on fire. The sugar melts with the burning rum and falls through the grid. Add more rum until it has all dissolved. Delicious.
But yeah, coming back to my home country in little bit over a week. So i hope to see ya'll finns at wanha kettu at the very latest. Take care people, snuggle up into that christmas spirit.

Oh yeah. I was on two gigs too.

On sunday, i saw tool. i saw tool. I can't add anything to that.

On tuesday i saw sergent garcia, which can be described with one word: fiesta. It was awesome, everybody dancing for two hours and a half. The smell of marijuana was thick like the taste of syrup. My friends told me.

So here is my top three of bands to see live (all for different reasons):

1. tool

2. sergent garcia

3. lemonator

Oh yeah 2. Julia's friend Johan came over, and we decided to go to a restaurant on isle st louis. We found a nice , narrow, place with somebody playing the piano. We quickly realised that the couple next to us were on a date and did not hesitate talking about it in our incomprehensible maternal language. Julia analyzed that the couple was clearly a mismatch. We also analysed who were the most asshole people we knew. When the guy got his cake, it looked too good. I told Johan that if i stabbed him in the neck, he would take the cake, and we'd meet up outside. When their date ended, the woman got up and looked at us and said: "Hyvää illanjatkoa teille".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh snap! Busted! But you know, at least she knows now the guy wasn't for her, you know, like, you guys saved her from a lot of heartache. Right?

3:03 AM

Blogger niklas said...

we were gallant.

5:09 AM


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